Remote Estate Planning - It's Nothing New to Us!

At Warfield Law, we always provide our clients with the option to work with us remotely. Over the years we have found that many, if not most, of our clients prefer to work with us remotely in order to spend their valuable time on other important things like family and work. Our track record of working remotely with our clients means we understand the detail, communication, and specificity that need to be utilized when practicing remotely. During the current Pandemic, Coronavirus, we understand the desire to stay home - but that doesn’t mean you can’t get important things done. Now it is more important than ever to address your estate planning needs, whether it’s establishing your first Trust, or making necessary changes to your current estate documents.

Our remote estate planning process makes it easy for our clients. In fact, it’s just a 3 part process. First, our attorneys will have a telephone call with you to ensure we address all of your desires and questions about the estate planning process. It is our goal to make sure we meet your estate planning needs and want to discuss the different options with you. Next, we will e-mail you an electronic, straight-forward Questionnaire. Once you have completed the Questionnaire, our attorneys have a two week turnaround time at which point you will receive a draft of your estate plan for review. Along with this draft, we will provide you with a summary of your estate planning documents in order to ease your review. After review, we will mail your estate plan by first-class mail along with an instructional letter and colored tabs instructing signatures on all required areas of your documents. Once you have signed your estate planning documents, they are yours to keep in a safe place, and your estate planning process is over! So easy, our clients always wonder why they hadn’t looked into our remote estate planning sooner!

Take control of your life today and contact us at